Saturday, November 20, 2010

ELAN PERSONALITY: The Woman behind the Smile

As she speaks of her craft, her educational and professional achievements, and her family, it becomes apparent why Dr Amy Traore-Shumbusho has become the highly praised orthodontist that she now is.

The Five-star Orthodontic Treatment
"I like to do things by the book, but I like to also build up my own style and mix it up in what I do," Dr Amy says. "I like beauty in general; I like aesthetics; I like knowing what's happening out there, and I bring it into my practice."
A tour of Smile 360 proves her statement true. The tastefully furnished reception area includes a ‘cool corner' for children, with multicoloured leather seats and a Playstation video game fixed to the wall. Dr Amy jokingly comments on how her young son likes to come over to ‘visit' her at the practice because of the video game. "We want children to be the ones reminding their parents of their appointments because they know what they're going to get. That also changes their approach to the health of their teeth," she says.
"We give our patients the five-star treatment," Dr Amy says, speaking of how she combines aromatherapy and audio-therapy to relax her patient while she works on their teeth. "We treat them like guests, not patients, so they feel like they came to a luxurious hotel," the doctor says.
The unpretentious warmth in the environment gives you the feeling that all her staff are happy to be at work. Dr Amy constantly impresses upon them the need to treat patients like a whole, and not just a set of teeth. "Customer service is something that is lacking in our environment. Many times you see me pulling my staff aside to correct them about how they treated a client."
Read More: As she speaks of her craft, her educational and professional achievements, and her family, it becomes apparent why Dr Amy Traore-Shumbusho has become the highly praised orthodontist that she now is. The Five-star Orthodontic Treatment "I like to do things by the book, but I like to also build up my own style and mix it up in what I do," Dr Amy says. "I like beauty in general; I like aesthetics; I like knowing what's happening out there, and I bring it into my practice." A tour of Smile 360 proves her statement true. The tastefully furnished reception area includes a ‘cool corner' for children, with multicoloured leather seats and a Playstation video game fixed to the wall. Dr Amy jokingly comments on how her young son likes to come over to ‘visit' her at the practice because of the video game. "We want children to be the ones reminding their parents of their appointments because they know what they're going to get. That also changes their approach to the health of their teeth," she says. "We give our patients the five-star treatment," Dr Amy says, speaking of how she combines aromatherapy and audio-therapy to relax her patient while she works on their teeth. "We treat them like guests, not patients, so they feel like they came to a luxurious hotel," the doctor says. The unpretentious warmth in the environment gives you the feeling that all her staff are happy to be at work. Dr Amy constantly impresses upon them the need to treat patients like a whole, and not just a set of teeth. "Customer service is something that is lacking in our environment. Many times you see me pulling my staff aside to correct them about how they treated a client."

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