Saturday, November 20, 2010

Dealing with your husband’s mistress

Women want to know if they should attempt to find out who this woman is, if they should confront her, if they should talk to her when she keeps calling, or if they can believe anything that she says or does. Many also want to know the best way to get revenge on her. Some even want to appeal to her sense of decency, hoping to convince her to leave the husband alone. (Hint: she‘s already shown that she doesn‘t have any decency. Negotiating with her is a waste of time.) In the following article, I‘ll tell you what I often tell my readers about a husband‘s mistress.

Why having anything to do with your husband‘s mistress almost always turns out bad: Almost without fail, the wives who report back about their interactions with the ‘other woman‘ are completely dissatisfied with how things went down. Most of the time, meeting her brings about more questions than answers. It actually makes you feel worse and more frustrated. A lot of the time, she will paint the husband as the one who initiated the whole thing, while she is the innocent one. She will give you the version of the story which paints her in the most flattering light. However, this version is often inaccurate.

Sometimes, wives want to see what she looks like, only to discover that she‘s not at all what you imagined. This just makes processing all of this more impossible. Because, the only one who can define why your husband carried on with her and what your husband saw in her is your husband himself. Most times, wives are looking for this information from the wrong person. The mistress knows nothing about your life or your objections. In truth, she is and should remain a stranger to you. By allowing her into your life, you‘re giving her WAY too much power over you.

If you want to save your marriage, you want to get this woman out of your life immediately, not allow her into it. Your best case scenario is to banish her altogether and completely. You don‘t want for you or your husband to think about her or to interact with her. And, this is the opposite of what she wants. In order for her to be successful, she needs to position herself in your world. She needs to get a stronghold on your husband and your life. Fight her every inch of the way here if you want to save your marriage. Communicating with her, confronting her, or seeking revenge are all ways of giving her an ”in.” Resist this at all costs.
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